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Stapylton Arms Inn Mystery

  My grandfather, Richard White II, was the licensee of the Stapylton Arms Inn from 1912 to 1933.   My father, Richard White III, lived there from 1912 to 1929.   He married my mother, Evelyn Hewitt, in 1929 and moved to Normanby.   One story he told me pertained to secret meetings that were held in the Stapylton during this period.   My father was not in favour of these meetings.

  Richard White II was a member of the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes shown opposite in his regalia.   My father said they were a secret political group and from that time was always opposed to such groups.   I have three of my grandfather's medals; one dated in 1918 to "primo Richard White".   I remember seeing another medal with some reference to "Sir Galahad".

  My sisters, Melva and Lynn, and I were given a tour of the Stapylton in 2000 whilst on a visit to Normanby from the USA.   During the tour, originally intended for us to see the room where I was born, the current licensee asked if we knew why there was a peephole in a door in an upstairs room.   Knowing the answer we told him of the secret meetings held there during the period my grandfather was the licensee.   We did take a photograph of the door with my sister Lynn putting her hand through the peephole door.

  I have "googled" the Buffaloes and find that they are a social and benevolent group.   Perhaps my father was mistaken that the secret meetings were associated with them, nevertheless, some kind of secret meetings were held in that room.

  Does anyone know more about the secret meetings held at the Stapylton Arms Inn?     [Please contact us  if you can help!]

Richard White IV   (Adamsville, Tennessee)

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