Normanby Local History Logo And Banner
Normanby Local History Logo And Banner for printing


Our monthly meetings are open to all - you're welcome!
When?    1.30pm - 3.00pm on 4th Wednesday of month.
Where?   Normanby Methodist Church,
Corner of Cleveland and Patten Streets,
Normanby, Middlesbrough TS6 0LW
(See Location of Church on Google Maps)

Next Meeting on
   Wednesday 26th February 2025
         at 1:30pm as usual

The speaker for this meeting is Peter Sotheran
who will present
"The Writing is on the Wall".
The stories behind some of the street and place names in Redcar.

If you are interested in local history, why not come along.
Newcomers always welcome - and it's free!

Group Membership

  After attending a few meetings you may decide to become a member of our group - to join simply speak to our Treasurer at the meeting.
  Annual Membership fee (due September):
        £10 per individual or
        £15 per couple.
    Please note the revised fees starting 2023.   Amazingly this was the first increase in our membership fees since 2001 when our group was formed !
  Benefits of membership each year:
   - 11 monthly meetings (including free tea/coffee & biscuits)
       - most have a guest speaker on a wide range of topics.
   - One organised visit to a local attraction for free:-
       - eg Redcar Cemetery Guided Tour
       - eg Ironstone Mining Museum at Skinningrove
   - One organised coach trip to a national attraction:-
       - just £5 per member (member’s guest for £10)
       - eg Royal Armouries Museum at Leeds
       - eg Great North Museum: Hancock at Newcastle
   - and of course participation in our research & activities !

Planned Events

  Details of any events planned by our group will be shown here.

Past Events

11th Hour of 11th Day of 11th Month
    Monday 11th November 2024
      - Remembrance Day Service

  Our Normanby Local History Group organised a short Remembrance Day Service on Monday the 11th November 2024 at the new Remembrance Garden in Cleveland Street.   Those participating assembled at the Remembrance Garden at 10:50am.

  The service was led by our new Minister the Reverend John Howard-Norman. Phil Meadows played the Last Post on the bagpipes as usual and the standard bearers were Eric Taylor and Brian Haggath. Several wreaths were layed - including that by Keith Gatenby (group member) on behalf of our group - then others placed their own personal poppy.

   After the service concluded with the closing prayer all who wished to proceeded to Normanby Methodist Church for refreshments and to look at the display featuring Herbert J.E. Robinson’s Bravery.

(Note that sadly the service could no longer be held at the Normanby Great War Memorial on the corner of High Street & West Street because of the changes to traffic routeing.
However a wreath was laid at the Great War Memorial by Paul Boden on behalf of our group.)

Click on the images opposite for larger images of
the Poster and "Order of Service" sheets
(open in new window).
For views of this ceremony and the wreaths laid
go to our Photo Gallery
(photos by John Chaney)

Index of Past Events

  Our group has organised many exhibitions and
participated in various events over the years.
  To refresh your memories of our activities
see reports of some of these
via our Index of Past Events  page.