Eric Armstrong
Eric lived in Normanby all his life and researched its history for a number of years. He eventually published his findings in his book "Normanby's Trilogy: the Mill, the Brewery, the Poverina" which begins:
"Walking around Normanby it is difficult to imagine the village having a corn mill. One’s thoughts of mills invariably conjure up tall, circular buildings with large sails or driven by a water-wheel from a river. Normanby’s mill was the latest technology at the time of construction. It was a steam driven mill built of brick and was four storeys high. It was located in Cleveland Street and was opposite the Methodist Church........"
This book, packed with historical pictures and facts of these three landmarks, is a true credit to Eric's extensive research over the years. He discovers the reason the old coach inn actually acquired the name Poverina as well as the story behind the company that kept filling up the beer glasses of the local pubs.
Eric was made an honorary member in 2011 to reflect his valuable contributions to our History Group.
Sadly, on 16th March 2013, Eric passed away peacefully in his sleep after a lengthy illness -
- but his memories of Normanby remain with us all.