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1909 Photo of School 1914 Class Re-union
. . . . by Pamela Hill   sent 22nd January 2013  

   I have recently been looking at your website and found it very interesting and informative.
   Having been brought up in Church Lane, Eston I hope you don't mind me pointing out the following about the Article on the Normanby School 1914 Class Re-union.
   This shows a 1909 photograph of a Normanby School class which names the teacher as Ada Bacon when it should have read Mabel Bacon.
   There was an Ada Bacon - a dairymaid on a farm - whereas her sister Mabel was the teacher.
   Mabel Bacon was the aunt of my life-long friend Janice, whose maternal grandmother was Annie Maria Bacon.  Anna Maria was the daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Bacon and the sister of Mabel and Ada Bacon.
   I can remember Mabel at the farm along with her brother Arthur.  Ted Hammerton, their nephew (son of Ada Bacon and William Henry Hammerton), and his family later moved in with them and Ted helped Arthur run the farm.
   Regarding the 1977 photo of the Class Reunion, one of the men was named as Art Bacon.  Art (Arthur) Bacon, who ran the farm with Ted Hammerton, died in the 1960s so it can't be him.  Janice thinks it is her uncle Artie Davison who also worked on the farm.  She said he was sometimes referred to as Artie Bacon.
   I've probably given you more information that you wanted! This is what happens when you research family history!  Incidentally, it was Janice who started me off with FH research.
  ------Regards, Pam Hill nee Crosby (Stokesley, Yorks)------
[Webmaster: thanks Pam - all info welcomed!
  The 1911 census shows Ada and Mabel Bacon with their occupations as you say!
   Captions corrected -see the Article]