Railway Crossing at Eston?
. . . . by Desmond Small sent 26th December 2022
I was born in Church Lane Ormesby 1951 and when I was 6 my dad Dr. W.A.W. Small had a house built in Normanby No. 51 High Street.
Every morning the steam train hauling (I think) coal to the brickworks used to cross the bridge over the main road two doors down.
The reason for my contact is that I have very hazy memories about the fact that at Flatts Lane the line branched and whilst one continued up to the brickworks the other headed to Eston.
I am hoping some of your members might be able to confirm that there was a level crossing beyond the Eston Square, near the hospital that then lead down to Grangetown.
I know there was an earlier incline plane to take ironstone and iron ore from the mines in Eston Hills down to the docks but think that in later years this may have been developed for locomotives?
Best Regards,
---- Desmond Small (Newcastle Emlyn, Ceredigion, Wales) ----
WebMaster (3 January 2023):
Thanks Des for that Message - good questions!
There must be many with memories of the railway - so with your message - I've set up an Appeal item 'Eston Railway Crossing?' to form the basis for contributions from our readers.
From our archive of photos I have found some relevant images which are also displayed there.
I hope that we get answers to some of the queries set in your Message!
WebMaster (19 March 2023):
Thanks to our Group members for their responses which have provided answers to the Appeal item. Do have a look !
But please do continue to send responses including your memories and any photos !