Normanby Local History Logo And Banner
Normanby Local History Logo And Banner for printing

Normanby Methodist Youth Club
. . . . by Margaret Holian   sent 20th March 2015  

   Here are some names from the photograph in the Article 'Normanby Methodist Youth Club' :
 Second row from front:
      2- Alan Honeywell
      7- Vera Nicholson
      9- Glynis Williams
     10- Audrey Dewings
     11- Sylvia Jackson (possibly?)

   We seem to recall that the photograph was taken as a memento for the Hood family when they emigrated to Australia.
          -------------Regards, Margaret Holian---------------
Follow up by Ann Ward on 25 March 2015:
   Photo could be 1957/58.
Front Row -
 No.11 Joyce Popplewell -
        - not Barbara Waugh as she started with me in 1959
2nd Row from front -
 No.2  Alan Honeywell
 No.10 Audrey Dewings
 No.14 Leslie Brown -
        - as David would not have joined until early 1960s.
      ----------- Regards, Ann Ward ----------
[Webmaster: thanks Margaret and Ann -
             - photo captions now amended - see the Article]