Teacher: Mr. Moralee
Names of known pupils (left to right) - Back (3rd) Row: 1.Michael Exley or Exton 2.Graham Manser 3.John Barker 4.John Wyman 5.Malcolm Fearley 6.Alan Hickman 7.Gerhard Fulton 8.Ian Bell 9.Richard Johnson 10.John Longstaff 11.Michael Trattles Middle (2nd) Row: 1.Sandra Brierley 2.Angela Mainwaring-Taylor 3.Kevin Bulmer 4.David Taylor 5.Peter Macfarlane 6.Lionel Preston 7.Norman Dewings 8.Terry Smithson 9.Linda Trainor 10.Anne Massey now Martinez Front (1st) Row: 1.Joyce Thwaites 2.Mavis or Brenda Peirson (twion of F-10) 3.Jennifer Snaith or Smailes? 4.??? Duffield? 5.Christine Mothersill 6.Mr. Moralee? (teacher) 7.Pamela Jordan 8.Joan Binns 9.Thelma Coxon 10.Brenda or Mavis Peirson (twin of F-2) 11.Lynda Brigham
20 Feb 2018 - Alan Pengilley (M-1 Photo U) provided teacher’s name as possibly Mr. Moralee?
17 Aug 2018 - Lionel Preston (6th in middle row) provided 9 names:- (B-4 John Wyman, B-6 Alan Hickman, B-9 Julian Dye?, M-3 Kevin Bulmer, M-4 Alan or David? Taylor, M-6 Lionel Preston, M-7 Norman ???, M-9 Linda Trainor, F-5 Pamela Gray) Lionel also said:- "I can’t be 100% sure of some of these names but it is what comes to mind. Stewart Jackson is missing and I would recognise him as he was my best man. [see M-2 Photo P] I’m 69 years old and live in Cambridge so the others are of similar vintage and possibly scattered around the country. Or overseas - I was in Australia for 17 years and Papua New Guinea for a time."
30 Aug 2018 - Keith Thompson (B-3 in Photo N) provided 7 new names (& corrected 2):- (B-1 Michsel Exley, B-2 Graham Manser, B-3 John Barker, B-7 Michael ? Gelderd, B-9 NOT Julien Dye [as he is in Photo P B-10], B-10 John Longstaff, B-11 Maurice Trattles, M-4 IS DAVID Taylor, M-5 Peter Metcalfe)
18 Sep 2018 - Linda Helman (nee Motson F-11 Photo P) said:- "I’m pretty sure B-11 is Michael not Maurice Trattles. He and I both went to Princess Street Junior school."
15 Apr 2019 - Mike Trattles (11th in back row) provided 31 names (all but M-1):- (B-1 Michael Exton, B-2 Graham Manser, B-3 John Barker, B-4 John Wyman, B-5 Malcolm Fearley, B-6 Alan Hickman, B-7 Gerhard Fulton, B-8 Ian Bell, B-9 Richard Johnson, B-10 John Langstaff, B-11 Michael Trattles, M-1. ?, M-2 Angela Mainwaring-Taylor, M-3 Kevin Bulmer, M-4 David Taylor, M-5 Peter Macfarlane, M-6 Lionel Preston, M-7 Norman Dewings, M-8 Terry Smithson, M-9 Linda Trainor, M-10 Anne Massey, F-1 Joyce Thwaites, F-2 Mavis Peirson, F-3 Jennifer Snaith, F-4 Sandra Brearley, F-5 Christine Mothersill, F-6 Mr Moralee (teacher), F-7 Pamela Jordan, F-8 Joan Binns, F-9 Thelma Coxon, F-10 Brenda Peirson, F-11 Lynda Brigham) Mike also said:- "I was in the same class group throughout my Grammar School years."
22 Jul 2019 - Anne Martinez nee Massey (M-10 above) identified 6 names & confirmed* 9 names:- (B-7* Gerhard Fulton, B-9* Richard Johnson, M-1 Sandra Brierley, M-2* Angela Mainwaring-Taylor, M-7* Norman Dewings, M-10 Anne Massey now Martinez, F-1 Shiela ???, F-2 Mavis/ Brenda Pearson (twins), F-3 Jennifer Smailes, F-5* Christine Mothersill, F-7* Pamela Jordan, F-8* Joan Binns, F-9* Thelma Coxon, F-10 Brenda/Mavis Pearson, F-11* Linda Brigham)
23 Jul 2019 - Anne Martinez nee Massey (M-10 above) said (having seen all the updates): "F-1 is Joyce Thwaites not Shiela as I misremembered. M-5 is definitely Peter Macfarlane, we were at Normanby school together. He was always extremely bright and I remember him explaining to me how a jet engine worked when we were 7 and learning joined-up writing! F-4 isn’t Sandra Brierley, I seem to think her surname was Duffield."
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Eston Grammar School - 1963 Yearbook
Photo O - Class 4A
Copyright © 2017 Normanby Local History Group (copyright holder of original not found)
Teacher: Mr. Moralee
Names of known pupils (left to right) -
Back (3rd) Row:
1.Michael Exley or Exton 2.Graham Manser 3.John Barker 4.John Wyman 5.Malcolm Fearley 6.Alan Hickman
7.Gerhard Fulton 8.Ian Bell 9.Richard Johnson 10.John Longstaff 11.Michael Trattles
Middle (2nd) Row:
1.Sandra Brierley 2.Angela Mainwaring-Taylor 3.Kevin Bulmer 4.David Taylor 5.Peter Macfarlane
6.Lionel Preston 7.Norman Dewings 8.Terry Smithson 9.Linda Trainor 10.Anne Massey now Martinez
Front (1st) Row:
1.Joyce Thwaites 2.Mavis or Brenda Peirson (twion of F-10) 3.Jennifer Snaith or Smailes?
4.??? Duffield? 5.Christine Mothersill 6.Mr. Moralee? (teacher) 7.Pamela Jordan 8.Joan Binns
9.Thelma Coxon 10.Brenda or Mavis Peirson (twin of F-2) 11.Lynda Brigham
20 Feb 2018 - Alan Pengilley (M-1 Photo U) provided teacher’s name as possibly Mr. Moralee?
17 Aug 2018 - Lionel Preston (6th in middle row) provided 9 names:-
(B-4 John Wyman, B-6 Alan Hickman, B-9 Julian Dye?,
M-3 Kevin Bulmer, M-4 Alan or David? Taylor, M-6 Lionel Preston, M-7 Norman ???, M-9 Linda Trainor,
F-5 Pamela Gray)
Lionel also said:-
"I can’t be 100% sure of some of these names but it is what comes to mind.
Stewart Jackson is missing and I would recognise him as he was my best man. [see M-2 Photo P]
I’m 69 years old and live in Cambridge so the others are of similar vintage and possibly scattered around the country.
Or overseas - I was in Australia for 17 years and Papua New Guinea for a time."
30 Aug 2018 - Keith Thompson (B-3 in Photo N) provided 7 new names (& corrected 2):-
(B-1 Michsel Exley, B-2 Graham Manser, B-3 John Barker, B-7 Michael ? Gelderd,
B-9 NOT Julien Dye [as he is in Photo P B-10], B-10 John Longstaff, B-11 Maurice Trattles,
M-4 IS DAVID Taylor, M-5 Peter Metcalfe)
18 Sep 2018 - Linda Helman (nee Motson F-11 Photo P) said:-
"I’m pretty sure B-11 is Michael not Maurice Trattles. He and I both went to Princess Street Junior school."
15 Apr 2019 - Mike Trattles (11th in back row) provided 31 names (all but M-1):-
(B-1 Michael Exton, B-2 Graham Manser, B-3 John Barker, B-4 John Wyman, B-5 Malcolm Fearley, B-6 Alan Hickman,
B-7 Gerhard Fulton, B-8 Ian Bell, B-9 Richard Johnson, B-10 John Langstaff, B-11 Michael Trattles,
M-1. ?, M-2 Angela Mainwaring-Taylor, M-3 Kevin Bulmer, M-4 David Taylor, M-5 Peter Macfarlane, M-6 Lionel Preston,
M-7 Norman Dewings, M-8 Terry Smithson, M-9 Linda Trainor, M-10 Anne Massey,
F-1 Joyce Thwaites, F-2 Mavis Peirson, F-3 Jennifer Snaith, F-4 Sandra Brearley, F-5 Christine Mothersill,
F-6 Mr Moralee (teacher), F-7 Pamela Jordan, F-8 Joan Binns, F-9 Thelma Coxon,
F-10 Brenda Peirson, F-11 Lynda Brigham)
Mike also said:- "I was in the same class group throughout my Grammar School years."
22 Jul 2019 - Anne Martinez nee Massey (M-10 above) identified 6 names & confirmed* 9 names:-
(B-7* Gerhard Fulton, B-9* Richard Johnson,
M-1 Sandra Brierley, M-2* Angela Mainwaring-Taylor, M-7* Norman Dewings, M-10 Anne Massey now Martinez,
F-1 Shiela ???, F-2 Mavis/ Brenda Pearson (twins), F-3 Jennifer Smailes, F-5* Christine Mothersill,
F-7* Pamela Jordan, F-8* Joan Binns, F-9* Thelma Coxon, F-10 Brenda/Mavis Pearson, F-11* Linda Brigham)
23 Jul 2019 - Anne Martinez nee Massey (M-10 above) said (having seen all the updates):
"F-1 is Joyce Thwaites not Shiela as I misremembered.
M-5 is definitely Peter Macfarlane, we were at Normanby school together. He was always extremely bright and
I remember him explaining to me how a jet engine worked when we were 7 and learning joined-up writing!
F-4 isn’t Sandra Brierley, I seem to think her surname was Duffield."
*** Do you recognise anyone in the photograph whose name given above is missing or incomplete or wrong? ***
*** What memories do you have of this Class? ***
Please contact us if you can help !
Please remember to include the Photo Name(s) in your Message eg Photo O - Class 4A
Copyright © 2017 Normanby Local History Group