Richard White’s 1977 Re-union of Normanby School Class of 1914
Evening Gazette: Normanby School Class Reunion
Transcript of text from above article:-
Richard White remembered the friends he made in his days at Normanby School, even though he moved thousands of miles away from them to Miami, Florida.
So when he came over for a visit to his native town he hoped that he would meet a few of them to talk over their schooldays.
But the class of 1914 planned a surprise of their own for their old pal. They organised a reunion in the school building - now used as a community centre - where they had spent so many hours together.
More than 20 of the boys and girls he used to play with in his years at school from about 1914, turned up to chat about the old days.
"And a lot of them I haven't seen since I went to America more than 30 years ago" said Mr. White with his wife, Evelyn, and friends. "It has been a wonderful surprise."
Mr. White and his wife, who came from South Bank, are staying with another friend, Mrs. Dora Gull, at 6 Ayton Crescent, Eston for their month-long visit.
The class of 1914 in front of Normanby School (August 1977)
[Point cursor at the person in photo above for a pop-up showing their name as below!]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mrs Garbut
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Eric Kirton
----W. Snowdon
----Jack Richardson
----Eddie Richardson
----Artie Davison aka Artie Bacon
--Art Snowdon
H. Curry
------------------Jack Barker
--------Dora Gull
--Phoebie Crow (nee Bird)--------Sid Russel
---------------------------------------------------Richard & Evelyn White
[Correction from Jack Ryan: Phoebe Crow (nee Bird) was originally named incorrectly as Minnie Bird - see
Message Board]
[Correction from Pamela Hill: Artie Davison was originally named as Art Bacon
(sometimes he was sometime called Artie Bacon) - see
Message Board]
Normanby School - 1914 Standard 6 Class
[Point cursor at the person in photo above for a pop-up showing their name as below!]
Teachers: Mr.Raybold, Headmaster (in the straw hat) and Mr.Arnold Jack Standley [see
Message Board]
Back row: extreme left - Richard White, extreme right - Eric Kirton
Harry Bean is in the photograph, but I cannot identify him.
I estimate childrens ages to be 11 years
Front row: 4th from right - John (Jack) Bean [addition by his son John Bean - see
Message Board]
Normanby School - 1909 Standard 3 Class
Teacher: Ada Bacon [correction to Mabel Bacon by Pam Hill (nee Crosby)
- Mabel's sister Ada was a dairy-maid. See
Message Board]
Top row: Geo.Cowell, Sid Russel, Rold.Prince, Robt.Atkinson, Arthur Linney, Dick White
2nd row: Joe Renaldson, Harry Wing, Jim Priest, Bert Newman
3rd row: ???, Amy Armitage, Ethel Hodgson, Ivy Findley, ???, ???
Front row: ???, Ada North, ???, Isabel Westgarth
I estimate childrens ages to be about 8 years.
Richard White’s 1977 Re-union of Normanby School Class of 1914
Evening Gazette: Normanby School Class Reunion
Transcript of text from above article:-
Richard White remembered the friends he made in his days at Normanby School, even though he moved thousands of miles away from them to Miami, Florida.
So when he came over for a visit to his native town he hoped that he would meet a few of them to talk over their schooldays.
But the class of 1914 planned a surprise of their own for their old pal. They organised a reunion in the school building - now used as a community centre - where they had spent so many hours together.
More than 20 of the boys and girls he used to play with in his years at school from about 1914, turned up to chat about the old days.
"And a lot of them I haven't seen since I went to America more than 30 years ago" said Mr. White with his wife, Evelyn, and friends. "It has been a wonderful surprise."
Mr. White and his wife, who came from South Bank, are staying with another friend, Mrs. Dora Gull, at 6 Ayton Crescent, Eston for their month-long visit.
The class of 1914 in front of Normanby School (August 1977)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mrs Garbut
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Eric Kirton
--------------------------------Mead ----------Spencer ----W. Snowdon ----Jack Richardson
-------------------Halsey ----Almond ----Eddie Richardson ----Artie Davison aka Artie Bacon --Art Snowdon
H. Curry ----------------Brown ------------------Jack Barker --------Dora Gull --Phoebie Crow (nee Bird)--------Sid Russel --Kilvington
------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------Honeywell
---------------------------------------------------Richard & Evelyn White
[Correction from Jack Ryan: Phoebe Crow (nee Bird) was originally named incorrectly as Minnie Bird - see Message Board]
[Correction from Pamela Hill: Artie Davison was originally named as Art Bacon
(sometimes he was sometime called Artie Bacon) - see Message Board]
Normanby School - 1914 Standard 6 Class
Teachers: Mr.Raybold, Headmaster (in the straw hat) and Mr.Arnold Jack Standley [see Message Board]
Back row: extreme left - Richard White, extreme right - Eric Kirton
Harry Bean is in the photograph, but I cannot identify him.
I estimate childrens ages to be 11 years
Front row: 4th from right - John (Jack) Bean [addition by his son John Bean - see Message Board]
Normanby School - 1909 Standard 3 Class
Teacher: Ada Bacon [correction to Mabel Bacon by Pam Hill (nee Crosby)
- Mabel's sister Ada was a dairy-maid. See Message Board]
Top row: Geo.Cowell, Sid Russel, Rold.Prince, Robt.Atkinson, Arthur Linney, Dick White
2nd row: Joe Renaldson, Harry Wing, Jim Priest, Bert Newman
3rd row: ???, Amy Armitage, Ethel Hodgson, Ivy Findley, ???, ???
Front row: ???, Ada North, ???, Isabel Westgarth
I estimate childrens ages to be about 8 years.
© 2011 Richard White IV. Normanby Local History Group
****** Do you know anyone in the above photographs whose names are missing or wrong? ******
[Please contact us if you can help fill in the gaps !]