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Index of Previous News & Articles
from 2013

   This section contains items of news and articles that were previously featured on our Home page.
   We've kept them here in case you missed them - or want to refer back to them! Just "Click" on the item in the list below or Scroll down the page.
2013 -    4 items
Sep 2013 Publications: Prints & Our 2014 Calendar
Apr 2013 Article: "Wesleyian Chapels"
Mar 2013 Sad News: Eric Armstrong Passed Away
Feb 2013 Publication: seventh booklet -
    "Factual Description of Normanby 1050-1901"

Previous News & Articles from 2013

Prints for Framing & Our 2014 Calendar - 30 September 2013

  You now have the opportunity to display some Normanby history on your walls with our attractive prints !
  Our Group can now produce medium size (A4) prints in black & white that are suitable for framing from any of our postcards.
See our Publications  page for more details & availability.

  Our Normanby History Group 2014 Calendar is now available.
    See our Publications  page for more details.

"Wesleyian Chapels" - 19 April 2013

  This article is based on Joan Outhwaite's research on now-vanished Wesleyan Chapels of Normanby & Old Eston.
  The congregation outgrew the original Hewley Street chapel & so a new chapel was planned.
  The funding, rise & fall of this new chapel are described.

See this Article  on Normanby.


Sad News from Normanby Local History Group - 28 March 2013

On March 16th our long-time member Eric Armstrong passed away peacefully in his sleep after a lengthy illness.
  Eric wrote our third book "Normanby's Trilogy" in 2007.   His book tells the tale of Normanby's steam-driven corn mill, Richardson's Brewery and Poverina Hotel.
  Eric was made an honorary member in 2011 to reflect his contribution to our History Group.
  At the Group's monthly meeting on 27th March we all stood for one minute's silence to remember Eric.
  In this sad time we reflect that his memories of Normanby are forever with us and take comfort in that.
  Rest in Peace Eric.

Eric Armstrong

"A Factual Description of Normanby 1050-1901" - 6 Feb 2013

  Sylvia Fairbrass compiled this booklet with facts garnered from old records & books as well as her own research.

  The author has been a keen and active member of our history group & its Archivist for many years.

  This is the seventh booklet to be published by the group.

See our Publications  page for more details & availability.

Picture Of Sylvia Fairbrass's 1st Booklet

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Index of Previous News & Articles
from 2012

   This section contains items of news and articles that were previously featured on our Home page.
   We've kept them here in case you missed them - or want to refer back to them! Just "Click" on the item in the list below or Scroll down the page.
2012 -    4 items
Jun 2012 Publication: "A Normanby Boyhood"
Apr 2012 Article: "Elsie McDermid Operatic Singer"
Mar 2012 Article: "Normanby Timeline to 1901"
Jan 2012 Article: "Normanby 1891 Census Extracts"

St.Helen's Church c.1910

Previous News & Articles from 2012

"Canadian Apples, Owls...and Cricket in West Street - A Normanby Boyhood" - 7 Jun 2012

  A recollection of growing up in Normanby in the 1940s and 1950s by Harry Mead.
  Harry was born 1938 in West St, Normanby son of William Randall & Dorothea Mead.
  His interesting recollections cover many aspects of Normanby that have changed including school, WW2, living at the brickyard, cricket & football, the hills, changing Normanby & the Forum cinema.
  This is the sixth booklet to be published by the group.

See our Publications  page for more details & availability.

Picture Of Harry Mead's 1st Booklet

"Elsie McDermid - Operatic Singer (1889-1933)"
- 19 Apr 2012

  This local lady developed her talent and became an operatic singer renowned not only locally but also nationally.
  She toured the country with the D'Oyley Carte Opera Company and performed many operas for the Royal Opera Company at Covent Garden.
  The information for this article was gathered by Joan Outhwaite and used to produce a display at one the group's annual exhibitions.

See this Article

"Normanby Timeline to 1901" - 20 Mar 2012

  This article provides a timeline of events of significance to Normanby from its earliest times up to 1901.

  The information was gathered by Sylvia Fairbrass for part of a display at one the group's annual exhibitions.

  Further information and links to more detailed information will be added over time as it becomes available.

See this Article.


Normanby Firebrigade

"Normanby - 1891 Census Extracts" - 26 Jan 2012

  The 1891 census provides information of the growing 'township' of Normanby at the start of the 1890s.
  Joan Outhwaite transcribed & assembled these extracts of the details of the Heads of each of the 252 households from the 1891 census documents.
  The details include age, occupation, address and place of birth.
  The records of 252 individuals can be listed in 5 different sequences so as to provide an interesting insight into the changing occupations & lifestyles of Normanby's inhabitants & of their origins.

See this Article.

Normanby miners

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Index of Previous News & Articles
from 2011

   This section contains items of news and articles that were previously featured on our Home page.
   We've kept them here in case you missed them - or want to refer back to them! Just "Click" on the item in the list below or Scroll down the page.
2011 -    5 items
Dec 2011 Articles: 3 new ones -
"Stapylton Arms Inn Mystery"
"Normanby School 1914 Class Re-union"
"Normanby Lad Faced Fiery Fred"
Dec 2011 Article: "Normanby 1841 Census Extract"
Nov 2011 Article: "Normanby Last Decade 19th C."
Oct 2011 Normanby-born Lady’s 104th Birthday
Apr 2011 Article: "Saint Helen's Church Rebuild"

Previous News & Articles from 2011

Three New Articles - 31 Dec 2011

  Following a contact made from the USA by Richard White in mid-December (see our Message Board ) these articles were derived from the information & photographs kindly provided by Richard:
-  "Stapylton Arms Inn Mystery" : does anyone know the explanation of the secret of the Stapylton Arms Inn?
-  "Normanby School 1914 Class Re-union" : report & photos of a surprise 1914-class reunion held in 1977 for a former Normanby schoolboy visiting from the USA.  Do you recognise anyone in the photographs?
-  "Normanby Lad Faced Fiery Fred" : sequence of events led to a sporting confrontation between a former Normanby lad & a Yorkshire legend far from England.

Stapylton Arms Inn 1961

"Normanby - 1841 Census Extracts" - 2 Dec 2011

  The 1841 census provides early details of the 'township' of Normanby at the start of the Victorian era.

  Sylvia Fairbrass researched & assembled extracts from these documents into this informative article.

  Her analysis of the records of 143 individuals in 23 households provide an interesting insight into the occupations & lifestyles of Normanby's inhabitants.

See this Article.

comparison pic of old and new Normanby

"Normanby - the Last Decade of 19th Century"
- 4 Nov 2011

  The 1890s was an eventful decade for Normanby. Many stories were reported in the local press and some events made regional and even national press.
  Joan Outhwaite researched & assembled a selection of these in a time-line that was displayed at the Group's July Exhibition.
  The events covered vary from council activities, sales of land & property to fatal accidents & deaths.

See this Article.

Normanby High Street

Normanby-born Lady Celebrates 104th Birthday
- 22 Oct 2011

  Beatrice Valentine (nee Flintoff) was born in Normanby Hall Cottages in 1907. She married her late husband Ernest, who worked on the Ingleby Greenhow estate, at Christ Church, Eston in 1931.
  Beatrice has two daughters Ann Coulson, 78, from Ormesby, and Beatrix Sanderson, 73, from Guisborough & has five grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, two great-great-grandchildren.
  She celebrated her birthday with her family, friends & well-wishers at her home at Upsall House Residential Home in Nunthorpe.
  Many Normanby residents past & present will have happy memories of this remarkable lady.
  (see more in the Evening Gazette  22 Oct 2011.)
  The 1911 census shows Beatrice Flintoff age 3 living in No.2 Cottage, Normanby Hall with her parents George William & Edith together with her sisters Edith age 6 & Dorothy age 1.
  (Photo opposite is copyright Evening Gazette)

Beatrice Valentine and daughters

"Saint Helen's Church Rebuild"
- 30 Apr 2011 (updated 17 Aug 2012)

Exciting news!  The old Saint Helen's Church, which had stood in the grounds of Eston Cemetery since the 12th Century and was dedicated for worship in 1393, is being rebuilt at Beamish Open-Air Museum.
  This article outlines the church's history, use, deterioration, removal to Beamish, rebuilding plans & progress so far.
  Work started in March 2011 & the foundations have been laid.
  A director from Beamish appeals for your help to provide photos & any original artefacts to help restore the churches fabric.

See this Article.

  Update 5 July 2011: plinth stones of church nave laid & those for the tower being laid.
  Update 26 July: foundations & lower levels of the church are now mostly complete, with work started on reconstructing the vestry (which had been stolen from Eston).
  Update 10 August: first of the scaffolding has gone up and some decorated stonework added.
  Update 12 September: Very quick progress with most of the stonework up to next level of scaffold. Work on the Tower begun & next level of scaffold going up shortly.
  Update 3 October: Wooden arch former is in place, and stonework on the arch begun. 'Fish Man' - a carved stone character - appears!
  Update 24 November: The beams for the gallery which will overlook the nave are in place & the arch (with former) is coming along too. The curved doorway formers are in place ready for stone to be added later.
  Update 22 December: Chancel roof timbers in place - protecting the interior & much progress on stonework (see video).
  Update 22 March 2012: After mild winter work restarted in February. Hand-carved roof beams & trusses lifted in place & roof lats fitted so slating began.
  Update 30 May 2012: Tower progressing well - soon to reach full-height! Slating of roof nearly complete.
  Update 17 August 2012: The initial phase of building work is now complete. Although work will need to continue with the church interior and landscape (in the autumn), the construction of the church to this point has meant that the stone is safely conserved.

(see latest news on Rebuild Progress  at Beamish.)

St.Helen's Church c.1910 St.Helen's Tower Plinth Laid at Beamish St.Helen's rebuild at Beamish May 2012 St.Helen's rebuild at Beamish August 2012

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